Installation of Photovoltaic Systems
The installation of a photovoltaic system is subject to norms and regulations to ensure proper and safe operation. Additionally, different roof structures, such as pitched and flat roofs, require different installation methods. We install large on-roof and ground-mounted systems throughout Austria.
Key points for the installation of a photovoltaic system:
1. Location: Choose a sunny location without shading.
2. Structural Integrity: Ensure that the roof can handle the additional load.
3. Orientation and Tilt: Optimize the module positioning towards the sun.
4. Mounting Structure: Select the appropriate mounting system for your roof.
5. Electrical Connections: Have the wiring done by a professional.
6. Safety: Pay attention to lightning protection and electrical safety.
7. Permits: Familiarize yourself with local regulations and obtain necessary permits.
8. Maintenance: Plan regular inspections and cleanings.
As a professional installation company, we can efficiently assist with the installation of a PV system using our skilled specialists. Taking into account the specific site and system configurations, we have already installed numerous electrical power plants for a variety of customers.
Continuously trained technicians
Project engineers for planning and logistics
Days a year since 1994
neutral workshop assembly trucks
PV Installation – Checklist and Process
Ensure comprehensive planning
To ensure a smooth workflow on the construction site, complete planning is necessary.
For the installation of the substructure, the substructure manufacturer and its specifications are required. Additionally, it’s important to know the type and size of the roof and, if applicable, the rafter spacing.
Since each module manufacturer has different requirements and instructions for installing their modules, it is important to know which type of modules will be used.
Occupancy and stringing plans are essential documents for on-site assembly.
During planning, pay particular attention to building statics, including snow and wind loads, as well as system statics. It is essential to comply with local building regulations, standards, and environmental protection provisions.
Check the delivered materials on-site for completeness and correctness. It is beneficial to have the bill of materials from the substructure manufacturer and any delivery notes available on-site.
Before installation, determine the safe access to the roof, ensure fall protection, and assess whether a climbing aid is required for the assembly personnel and component transportation onto the roof.
For tiled roofs, it is recommended to have spare tiles available at the construction site to immediately replace any broken tiles and maintain the roof’s integrity.
Once all preparations have been made and weather conditions permit, the installation can be carried out efficiently. The installers arrive at the construction site, inspect the materials and site conditions, and proceed with the installation according to the plans, including the inverter wiring.
In case of issues or necessary modifications, a quick and target-oriented solution is found in collaboration with our client and implemented accordingly.
Site Completion & Commissioning
After completing the work, a comprehensive inspection is conducted, and we provide you with a photo documentation and filled-out construction reports according to your preferences.
Registration with the grid operator is necessary to inform them about the injection of power into their grid. An operational commissioning report is also important to document the earliest possible feed-in date during initial commissioning. The presence of the grid operator is mandatory for this. It is advisable to attend this appointment together with the system installer and subsequently receive instruction on the system’s operation.
Reasons for a PV System
The use of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics remains a focal point in the future. These systems have a green image and are accordingly supported.
The new Renewable Expansion Act (EAG), to be enacted in 2022 , aims to produce an additional 11 TWh of solar power by 2030. This corresponds to an annual expansion of 1,100 MWp, roughly double the current installation rate. The new EAG support models for households and businesses are intended to bring about the necessary upswing.
There are many reasons to opt for a PV system. While an initial investment is required, the system pays for itself within a few years. Subsequently, the system significantly reduces the cost of annual electricity consumption for businesses or households through continuous power generation.
If you want to benefit from a high-quality and well-structured service, we are always your reliable partner.
We accompany you at every step of the process and enable a competent implementation.
Kevin Beck
Head of Department – Electrical Assembly
☏ +43 660 664 35 18